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Leptoconnect loss stage so trying to put on muscle and change my body composition I am a little bit in a different stage right now not so much weight loss focus but I'm still in a deficit deficit meaning that I am eating less calories than my body is burning but when I was more in a weight loss stage of my calories where I like a good deficit and now I'm kind of close to my maintenance and my goal is to just give you a little information my goal is to get more at a maintenance maintenance being that the calories that I will be eating are going to maintain my weight so I'm gonna be losing weight or gaining weight so I'm kind of headed towards maintenance for a while because seven months of dieting has been a little bit long for me and I went ahead and lost thirty pounds which was my initial goal so far what I have taken from me I wanted to give you guys my tips and my tricks for beginners I have a few things written down they are mainly tips not so many like tricks that are like what I would do at the gym or what I will eat these are more of a getting your mind in the right place and giving yourself just really in the right place to start your fitness a lifestyle

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